GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices or Boas Práticas de Fabricação – BPF – in Portuguese) are widely recognized practices in the global means of production for any production process. Since 2012, CJ Selecta works based on the requirements of GMP + B2 and B3, which integrates the forms of ISO and HACCP management. This certification reinforces our guarantees regarding food safety and sustainability in the production of the plant and in the supply chain.

Certification required in the export of food to markets that are governed by specific rules and compliance with Sharia Halal law. We have had this certification since 2015.

Document that attests that the products obey the specific norms that govern the orthodox Jewish diet. We have had this certification since 2015.

FSSC 22000
Since 2018 we have had the seal that guarantees the efficiency in the management of food safety for products in the product line intended for the human food industry.
NonGMO Program
CJ Selecta is present in the market offering products derived from soybeans, manufactured under strict quality standards.
With a focus on the production of high added value vegetable proteins, through innovative projects CJ Selecta is recognized as one of the main manufacturers of ingredients for the animal feed industry in Brazil and abroad. There are also products derived from soy for the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

In 2019, CJ Selecta participated in the CJBio OnlyOne award, an event that brings together all the companies in the world that belong to the CJBio business unit. CJ Selecta presented the project “Strengthening crushing competitiveness through process innovation4”, covering four items: reducing the plant’s steam consumption, reducing the plant’s alcohol consumption thanks to the change in layout and a new process engineering, exchange of refinery supplies to make the process safer, improvements in annual plant maintenance to reduce losses due to corrective stops.
The project resulted in a cost reduction that can reach US $ 3.1 million per year and involved the Services and Refinery team at the Araguari plant. At the end of the evaluation by the award judges, the Brazilian project was the best scored in three of the four stages, being chosen as the best of 2019.